Re: Writing a JAX-RPC Client from WSDL

From: Doug Kohlert <>
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2003 11:13:13 -0700

I am not sure why it is failing with JWSDP 1.1, but if you download JWSDP 1.2
it should work for you.

carol-ws wrote:
> Hello,
> Could anybody help me? I'm starting to work with Web
> Services now.
> I'm trying to Write a JAX-RPC Client from the WSDL file:
> When I try to generate the Java stubs (ant generate-
> stubs) many errors of this type below occur.
> ...
> [exec]
> ^
> [exec] C:\jwsdp-1.1
> \docs\tutorial\examples\jaxrpc\hello\build\client\hello\
> cannot resolve symbol
> [exec] symbol : method getFlightNumber ()
> [exec] location: class airport.Sector
> [exec] if (instance.getFlightNumber() !=
> null) {
> [exec] ^
> [exec] 100 errors
> [exec] error: compilation failed, errors should
> have been reported
> [exec] Result: 1
> My config.xml file is:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <configuration
> xmlns="
> rpc/ri/config">
> <wsdl
> location="
> smx?WSDL"
> packageName="airport"/>
> </configuration>
> I'm using the package jwsdp-1.1
> Many thanks,
> Carol
> __________________________________________________________________________
> Acabe com aquelas janelinhas que pulam na sua tela.
> AntiPop-up UOL - ? gr?tis!

Doug Kohlert
Java Software Division
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
phone: 503 345-9806