Re: Generating server side ties when starting with WSDL

From: Amlan Sengupta <Amlan.Sengupta_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 10:51:06 -0600

Starting from a WSDL:

Step 1 : Generate your server code.

When you have a wsdl, the first step you do is use the
following ant target to read in a config.xml and
generate your server code. ( you can also use the
provided ant targets. )

  <target name="generate-server" depends="compile-classes">
    <exec executable="${wscompile}">
       <arg line="-import"/>
       <arg line="-keep"/>
       <arg line="-d ${build.home}/classes/server"/>
       <arg line="-classpath ${build.home}/classes/server"/>
       <arg line="-model ${build.home}/model.Z"/>
       <arg line="${wscompile.config.file}"/>

Example of config.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        packageName="hello" />

Step 2 : Create a raw war file.
The following is an example of an ant target which allows you
to create a raw.war file.

  <target name="create-war" depends="generate-server">
    <war warfile="${build.home}/${}.war"
        <webinf dir="${webapp.jaxrpc.dir}" includes="${webapp.jaxrpc.file}" defaultexcludes="
        <webinf dir="${build.home}" includes="model.Z" defaultexcludes="no"/>
        <classes dir="${build.home}/classes/server" includes="**/*.class" defaultexcludes="no

Step 3: Create a deployable war file.
The following ant target is an example of creating a
deployable war file using ( you can also use
the provided ant targets )

  <target name="do-process-war" depends="create-war" unless="already-processed">
    <exec executable="${wsdeploy}">
       <arg line="-keep"/>
       <arg line="-tmpdir"/>
       <arg line="${build.home}/generated"/>
       <arg line="-o"/>
       <arg line="${build.home}/${}.war"/>
       <arg line="${build.home}/${}.war"/>

Step 4 : Move the war into the webapps dir of Tomcat

And dont forget to restart tomcat.