Have you tried using the latest JAX-RPC 1.1 EA (Early Access)
that has been shipped via JWSDP 1.2 (June 2003)? In addition
to adding new functionality, a number of bugs have been fixed
in this new release.
- Anita
Farrukh Najmi wrote:
> James Pasley wrote:
> >Farrukh,
> >
> >The WSDL looks valid. However, I notice that the imported WSDL file
> >in turn imports three schemas. The second and third schemas both import
> >the first schema again. This is the correct thing to do, but perhaps
> >it is this that is causing the problems for wscompile.
> >It may not have noticed that the file is being imported for the second
> >time and is instead mistakenly reporting this as an error.
> >
> I too am suspecting that this is a JAXR-RPC RI bug and not a problem
> with the WSDL. I would be grateful if the JAXR-RPC RI team or anyone
> else is able to confirm this. Thanks.
> --
> Farrukh