Re: WS on tomcat 3.2.4: work?

From: Harkink, Ton <ton.harkink_at_EDS.COM>
Date: Mon, 03 Feb 2003 13:13:06 +0000

Did you put the jaxm war files in webapps, or whatever your document root
I used Tomcat 2.14, and it worked fine. I just put all jaxm-xxx and the
registry server there. I did not try to filter what was needed.


-----Original Message-----
From: Pedro Salazar [mailto:pedro-b-salazar_at_PTINOVACAO.PT]
Sent: 01 February 2003 19:55
Subject: WS on tomcat 3.2.4: work?


I developed a web service in tomcat 4.x environment, but I want deploy
it on tomcat 3.2.4 (production purposes). I read also in jaxrpc
specification that jaxrpc requires Servlet 2.3 which is not satisfied by
tomcat 3.x. However, I would like to know about your experience since I
already saw references to tomcat 3.x.

I put in lib/ the dependent or request jar files:

When I start my tomcat (3.2.4) I got a message in log:
- JAX-RPC servlet initializing
- missing context information

When I try to access the service information, I got the follow message:
Web Services
No JAX-RPC context information available.

Pedro Salazar