How to reliably find return parameter for a web method?

From: Rajesh Chawla <Rajesh.Chawla_at_SYBASE.COM>
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2003 13:18:19 -0700

Hi folks,

I'm trying to figure out the return parameter for a web method
programatically. Any thoughts on how I can do this?

Here's what I've tried to date:
1. Use the first parameter in the response. This seems to work ok as long
as there is no parameterOrder token in the WSDL.

2. Use information from the Call interface to figure out which parameter in
response is the return arg. No good because the name of the return arg is
not returned.

3. Use reflection on the stubs that are generated to figure out which
in the response is the return arg. Same issue as when using the Call
