I Need Help About Apache SOAP - JAX-RPC

From: Jeeva S <vavjeeva_at_LYCOS.CO.UK>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2003 16:23:10 +0530

Hello Guys,
   I have already posted about my chat application. So, i need to create a Chat Server as a web service , so, the client chat applet will communicate through SOAP.

So, last one ween i been concentarting on JAX-RPC. butm it was very tough to create a Service in JAX and create WSDL file.. and evrything.

Thatsy, now i have chosen Apache SOAP package, So, i need a complete difference between JAX-RPC and apache soap.

what are the adv between these two..

Does it possible to implement CHAT SERVER as a Web Service.

Help Me Guys
Jeeva S