Re: Problem in Stubs

From: Baltz, Kenneth <Kbaltz_at_FIRSTAM.COM>
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2002 09:02:21 -0800

Here's how we set our ENDPOINT_URL:

  Stub stub = createProxy();
  stub._setProperty(javax.xml.rpc.Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, sURL);
  webServiceConnection = (CpwsIF)stub;

The URL looks like http://localhost:8888/profilerws-kbaltz/cpws


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Its Capricon [mailto:its_capricon_at_YAHOO.COM]
> Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2002 3:31 AM
> Subject: Problem in Stubs
> hi all,
> i m trying to generate Stubs for my service. using wscompile.
> here is my config.xml..
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
> <configuration
> xmlns="">
> <service name="ServerProxy_service"
> targetNamespace=""
> typeNamespace=""
> packageName="com.webProxyLayer.ServerProxy">
> <interface name="com.webProxyLayer.serverProxy.IServerProxy"
> servantName="com.webProxyLayer.serverProxy.ServerProxy"/>
> <typeMappingRegistry>
> <additionalTypes>
> <class name="com.webProxyLayer.customObj.SetData"/>
> <class name="com.webProxyLayer.customObj.GetData"/>
> </additionalTypes>
> </typeMappingRegistry>
> </service>
> </configuration>
> everything is working fine but when trying to run my client
> through Stubs. stub is not findind the endpoint URL where my
> web service is deployed.
> and showing this exception:
> HTTP transport error:; nested
> exception is:
> HTTP transport error:
> i have gone through its source means stub class where
> END_POINT_PROPERTY was not defined.
> i modifed the soure of Stub class to specify the end point
> property in its constructor, but is's showing exception like
> couldn't find function which i m trying to execute,
> if anybody can tell me that where to specify the endpoint
> property in config.xml so that stub will automatically take
> that URL. like we generate through WSDL tag in config.xml.
> or in client where to specify END_POINT_PROPERTY.
> i have gone through jax-rpc-ri.xsd file but couldn't find
> wsdl location property with service tag. either u can use
> service or wsdl or modal option in config.xml. and i want to
> use service with wsdl location , but don;t know how to use.
> thanks in advance.
> capri