Serialize and Deserialize Object of Object and Vector of String a rray - V. RAM

From: Ramasamy S/O Valliappan <rama_at_SIMTECH.A-STAR.EDU.SG>
Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2002 08:55:25 +0800

        Hi Guys

        Please let me know ASAP

        How to write the java code for a serializer and deserializer on our
own for
        a return type of java.lang.Object of java.lang.Object or
java.util.Vector of String array ?

        V. RAM

        From: Arun Gupta [SMTP:arun.gupta_at_SUN.COM]
        Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 12:57 AM
        Subject: Re: Serialize and Deserialize Class Objects - V. RAM

        Hi V. Ram,

        java.util.Vector is supported by the serialization machinery of
        You can use them in your service endpoint interface like any other

        Thanks for your interest in JAX-RPC.


        Ramasamy S/O Valliappan wrote:
> Hi Guys
> Please let me know ASAP
> How to write the java code for a serializer and deserializer on
our own for
> a java.lang.Object or java.util.Vector ?
> From
> V. RAM

        There is only one me, I must live myself!
        There is only one today, I must live itself!