Re: jaxrpc on WebSphere 4.x???

From: Anne Thomas Manes <anne_at_MANES.NET>
Date: Thu, 19 Sep 2002 17:18:08 -0400


The SOAP implementation included with WAS4.x is based on the Apache SOAP
implementation, which has lots of restrictions. But don't taked the
capabilities of the vanilla WAS and WSAD products as complete limitations of
the environment. You can deploy a variety of SOAP implementations with
broader capabilities in WAS4.x.

If your goal is to use WAS and WSAD, you might try Systinet WASP. Systinet
provides a plug-in module for WSAD (WASP Developer for Eclipse), and WASP
Server for Java can be deployed in WAS4.x. WASP supports the JAX-RPC API,
and it supports arrays of custom beans. See

If you prefer not to use a commercial product, you might try Apache Axis,
which also supports the JAX-RPC API, supports arrays of custom beans, and
can also be deployed within WAS4.x. Apache does not provide a plug-in for
WSAD, but IBM provides enhanced tools for Axis within the IBM WSTK. See

I'm not as familiar with the details of the JAX-RPC reference
implementation. Perhaps someone from Sun can tell us if it can be deployed
in WAS. I'm pretty sure that it supports arrays of custom beans.

Best regards,

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Public discussion on JAX-RPC
> [mailto:JAXRPC-INTEREST_at_JAVA.SUN.COM]On Behalf Of Andrew Stephan
> Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2002 3:08 PM
> Subject: Re: jaxrpc on WebSphere 4.x???
> I'm also wondering about the RPC capabilities of WAS4.X.
> I'm trying to create a webservice with an array of custom beans
> as an input and an array of custom beans as an output but WSAD
> does not allow for this. It makes me think that potentially
> WAS4.X does not support this?
> Did the jaxrpc service you built use custom beans and/or an Array?
> Any thoughts or ideas?