Yes, it's possible. I have web service running on WSAD 4.0.3 (it publishes web apps to WAS 4.0.3 Single Server Edition) and it's also deployed to WAS 4.x. I have Java and .NET clients for it, both works fine. Basically I just followed guidelines from the JAXRPC tutorial, i.e. create service definition inteface + its implementation, create necessary domain classes, run xrpcc to create stubs/ties, edit web.xml and deploy the service.
If you have questions or need more details, feel free to ask me.
On Fri, 2 Aug 2002 15:09:03 -0600, David Thorpe <david.thorpe_at_LOGICLIBRARY.COM> wrote:
>Is it possible to run a jaxrpc service on Websphere 4.x? I know the jaxrpc spec mentioned a servlet 2.3 container and 4.x is a 2.2 container, but I was wondering if anybody was able to work around that and get a jaxrpc service running and a client running against it.
>The test app I created ran fine on Tomcat 4.x, but when I ran the client against the service on WAS 4.x, I kept getting Bad Request errors.
>Thanks for any suggestions.