Re: more doc/literal

From: Sam <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 07:01:51 -0400


I m trying to play with doc/literal and having all kinds
of problems.

How would the generated code (server and stub) be different
from the rpc/encoded style generated code by xrpcc in this case ?


Doug Kohlert wrote:
> Sam, the JAX-RPC RI will only generate a document/literal endpoint from
> a WSDL file. We are planning on adding the capability of specifying
> doc/literal when starting from a service endpoint interface in an
> upcoming release.
> Thanks for your interest in JAX-RPC.
> Sam wrote:
> >
> > By default xrpcc generates everything in the rpc/encoded
> > format.
> >
> > How do I make it generate doc/literal (other than editing
> > the WSDL myself)
> >
> > How do I deploy a service as a doc/literal and not rpc/encoded
> > to my endpoint.
> >
> > thanks
> > /s
> --
> Doug Kohlert
> Java Software Division
> Sun Microsystems, Inc.
> phone: 503 345-9806