Re: Handler on clientside

From: manoj cheenath <manojc_at_BEA.COM>
Date: Thu, 27 Jun 2002 10:35:37 -0700

An example of client side handler attached:


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mischa" <yawningrascal_at_HOTMAIL.COM>
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 1:58 AM
Subject: Handler on clientside

> Hi,
> I got a Handler named VerifyHandler on clientside. How can I put this
> handler into the HanlerChain for my service port? (I don't want to use
> config.xml)
> I already tried this:
> Service_Impl service = new Service_Impl();
> HandlerRegistry reg = service.getHandlerRegistry();
> QName port = new QName("ServiceIfcPort");
> // next line doesn't work
> // at compile time i am getting the message: incompatible types
> // return type of getHandlerChain() is java.util.List and HandlerChain is
> // subclass of java.util.List - so what's wrong?
> HandlerChain chain = handlerRegistry.getHandlerChain(port);
> // now I want to put my VerifyHandler into the chain...does anybody know
how that works?
> thanx,
> Mischa