Online chat on JAXM -- today, June 18

From: Edward Ort <>
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 2002 09:04:15 -0700

Got a question about JAXM? Get answers from two key
members of Sun's JAXM team, specification lead,
Nicholas Kassem and Sun Techical Staff Member,
Anil Vijendran. They'll answer your questions in
this chat session today, June 18, at 11 A.M.-to noon
Pacific Time (6 P.M.-7 P.M. GMT).

To join the chat, go to
and click on "Join the current session."

Ed Ort Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Java Developer Connection 18 Network Circle
 Editorial Staff M/S MPK18-113
Phone: (650) 786-9706 Menlo Park, CA. 94025
Fax: (650) 786-0494