Re: 1.0 Final Release

From: Noe Orlando Araujo Vilas Boas <noe_at_DSI.UMINHO.PT>
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 10:10:01 +0100

Hi Rahul,

I would like to know how I can pass parameters beetween a client and one
webservice, like urls parameters after endpoint ?


No? Ara?jo Vilas Boas
Grupo de Engenharia da Telecomputa??o
Departamento de Sistemas de Informa??o
Escola de Engenharia
Universidade do Minho
Guimar?es - Portugal
GSM: +351 919023798
Fax: +351 253 510 250

----- Original Message -----
From: Rahul Sharma <rahul.sharma_at_SUN.COM>
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2002 3:50 PM
Subject: Re: 1.0 Final Release

> Anne Thomas Manes wrote:
> > Is the TCK now available too?
> Yes. With the final release of JAX-RPC JSR--specification, RI and
> TCK all went final.
> Regards,
> Rahul
> >>-----Original Message-----
> >>From: Public discussion on JAX-RPC
> >>[mailto:JAXRPC-INTEREST_at_JAVA.SUN.COM]On Behalf Of Rahul Sharma
> >>Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 10:51 AM
> >>Subject: 1.0 Final Release
> >>
> >>
> >> The final 1.0 version of the JAX-RPC is now available at:
> >>
> >>
> >> The 1.0 final release of the Java Web Services Developer Pack
> >> is also now available at:
> >>
> >>
> >> Check for more downloads on the Java
> >> Web Servies Pack tutorial and Java XML Pack.
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >>
> >> Rahul Sharma
> >>
> >