I have a bunch of doubts ,Kindy help
Q1)Can I use JAX-RPC and JAXM for commercial purposes ? Any License issues ?
I understand that when two end points communicate they must agree upon two things
-Data Types (Type System)
-Interaction Modes/Styles/Patterns.
Data Types
Q2) I have an operation foo() which accepts an Object and returns a Object
Object foo(Object o).I dunno what is contained inside the object. It may be
a bean or may be a Collection class or a user defined Object which doesnt adhere
to any bean patterns .
Am Attempting to generically *transform* a Java Application to a web service
Is that Possible ?
I tried xrpcc to generate WSDl files but unfortunately it doesnt support
Object type and other complex types.
Q3) How do I expose a polymorphic/overloaded operation as a web service ?
Interaction Modes
JAX-RPC defines three interaction modes in Chapter 3,R012 in 0.9 Spec
1) synchronous request response
2) one way RPC mode
3) Non Blocking RPC
JAXM Defines Five Modes of Interaction ( See JAXM spec , 1.2 Scope )
1)Asynchronous Inquiry
2)Asynchrnous update
3)Synchronous Inquiry
4)Synchronous Update
5) Fire and Forget
Q4) Are these derived from
http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlp-scenarios/ ?
Q5) The Client would know about the Service ('Data Types ') from the WSDL file .
How will the client know abt the *Interaction Mode* of the server ?
Or Am I missing something here ?
Thanks and regards
Sudeep Chandran