Can we do JAXRPC in Transaction context

From: Binildas C. A. <binildas_at_IBSPLC.COM>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 19:24:55 +0530

Can we do RPC using JAX-RPC in a Transaction Context. What I mean is:

I have to avail a Credit updation service. And, depending upon the return
value (0 for failure, and 1 for sucess) I have to do some updations in
client side database. So far, no problem. But now, if I get a sucess from
RPC and I am unable to complete my client side transaction, I assume the
updation done in Credit updation service is not rolled back !!

Is there a way to do this...

Binildas C. A.
Tel : ++91 - 471 - 700080 (Extn. 4272)
Fax : ++91 - 471 - 700078