xrpcc ignoring header Autenthication

From: Garry De Toffoli <garry_at_TELEMAR.IT>
Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 10:59:26 +0200

Hi to all,

    I am new to WebService, so excuse me if my questions may be strange.

        I would like to access a WebService in which a methods has a SOAP Header called Authentication,
but using the xrpcc tool, the generation of the client code retun this warning:
ignoring header "Authentication" of binding operation "readAnagraficaFromId".

calling the method "readAnagraficaFromId" return this exception:

java.rmi.RemoteException: received fault: "Server did not find required Authentication SOAP header in the message." (code: "Server" namespace: ""); nested exception is:
received fault: "Server did not find required Authentication SOAP header in the message." (code: "Server" namespace: "")

I know that the method readAnagraficaFromID has a SOAP Header thank to this url and indicating this WSDL File Address:

this test said me that the method readAnagraficaFromId has a SOAP Headers in which there are two elements: Authentication.User and Authentication.Password

My questions are:
  1.. how can I call the readAnagraficaFromId method correctly?
  2.. How can I set the Soap Header when I call the readAnagraficaFromId method?
  3.. why xrpcc does not generated the corrected code?
Thank you very much.