Re: Can interfaces thrown exceptions? (Other than RemoteException ?)

From: Arun Gupta <arun.gupta_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 12:00:27 -0700

Hi Michael,

Please refer to JAX-RPC release notes with EA2 at

Service specific exceptions must have only one public constructor that
has one argument. The type of this constructor must match at least one
method which has a name that starts with get, takes no arguments, and
returns the same type as the constructor. For example:

public class MyException extends Exception {

    private MyType type;

    public MyException(MyType type) {
        this.type = type;

    public MyType getType() {
        return type;

This limitation will be relaxed in the future.

Thanks for your interest in JAX-RPC.


YAWN,MICHAEL (HP-Cupertino,ex1) wrote:

>Thanks for the pointers. I have this working now, but I'm
>still a little confused as to why the changes were required.
>If someone from the JAX-RPC team can comment on the exact
>requirements for Exceptions, I'd appreciate it: I'm writing
>these examples for a book, and I'd like to make the description
>as accurate as possible.
>An Exception or Throwable object would seem to meet the
>requirements for a JavaBean; it's only state is the 'message',
>and there is a public getMessage() call.
>In order to make my exception work, I needed to create a
>local (subclass) variable to store the state, and a public
>getter method for it. I pass to the exception constructor
>a string called 'name'; it is stored in local 'name'
>variable accessible via getName(). I'm just not clear
>why this subclass variable works, but the getMessage()
>inherited from Throwable as not sufficient.
>Anyway, it's working now; so I'm just looking for any
>clarifications that can help me write it up more accurately.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Hrishikesh Bhagwat [mailto:Hrishikesh.Bhagwat_at_XORIANT.COM]
>>Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 10:15 PM
>>Subject: Re: Can interfaces thrown exceptions? (Other than
>>RemoteException ?)
>>I did make changes to my applications and made it throw
>>a subclass of java.lang.Exception. I got the same problem as
>>the one you have reported.
>>Then i extended that class from RemoteException and still continued
>>to get the same error !
>>However when i added a getMessage() method to the sub class, xrpcc
>>started to function correctly immaterial of the fact whether i was
>>extending the class from Exception or RemoteException.
>> refer to 6.4.4 (sub section : "Encoded Fault")
>> of the JAX RPC specifications(version 0.6).
>> (I could not find this section in version 0.8 !!!)
>>The reason for this "may be" that .... "by default, JAX-RPC
>>can only serialize classes (other than those specified
>>in the standard JAVA-XML type mapping)which are of type
>>JAVA Beans. Such serializers marshall these Beans type classes
>>(classes with getters and setter) into XML-complexTypes".
>>May be the same applies to Exceptions (Exception classes).
>>However this explaination may not be correct for i havent
>>yet really studied the Exceptions related part in the specs.
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: YAWN,MICHAEL (HP-Cupertino,ex1) [mailto:mike_yawn_at_HP.COM]
>>Sent: Thursday, April 11, 2002 10:09 PM
>>Subject: Re: Can interfaces thrown exceptions? (Other than
>>RemoteException ?)
>>OK, that makes sense. I'll avoid RuntimeException subclasses.
>>But I get the same error if I just add Exception to my method
>>signatures -- xrpcc reports 'java.lang.Exception not supported'.
>>Any ideas? I've been working with the EA1 release, but just
>>updated to EA2 to see if it would help with this and other
>>problems I'm having. Doesn't seem to affect this one (haven't
>>yet tried the others).
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Hrishikesh Bhagwat [mailto:Hrishikesh.Bhagwat_at_XORIANT.COM]
>>>Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 9:05 PM
>>>Subject: Re: Can interfaces thrown exceptions? (Other than
>>>RemoteException ?)
>>>Hi Mike,
>>>Refer the following lines from JAX-RPC 0.8 spec (Section 5.2.1)
>>>"A service specific exception declared in a remote method
>>>signature must be
>>>a checked
>>>exception. It must extend java.lang.Exception either directly
>>>or indirectly
>>>but must
>>>not be a RuntimeException."
>>>IllegalArgumentException extends from a RuntimeException.
>>>Thats your problem
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: YAWN,MICHAEL (HP-Cupertino,ex1) [mailto:mike_yawn_at_HP.COM]
>>>Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2002 10:39 PM
>>>Subject: Can interfaces thrown exceptions? (Other than
>>>I thought that JAX-RPC interfaces could throw exceptions other than
>>>RemoteException, and that these exceptions would be mapped to SOAP
>>>Faults. But if I add a 'throws IllegalArgumentException' to
>>>my interface,
>>>xrpcc balks saying that the exception isn't supported.
>>>Section 14.3.6 shows some mappings between SOAP faults and
>>>Java exceptions. Are these the only legal exceptions that an RPC
>>>service can throw? If I want to indicate an illegal argument was
>>>passed, how to I create a RemoteException that is mapped onto
>>>the rpc:BadArguments SOAP fault, since RemoteException also
>>>maps onto rpc:ProcedureNotPresent? (Or should I even care
>>>how it gets mapped -- will the client see any difference between
>>>the two?)

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There is only one today, I must live itself!