I've been playing with JAX-RPC RI EA2 for the past few days. Here is what
I found so far:
1) ParameterMode is not spec version 0.8 compliant:
public class javax.xml.rpc.ParameterMode extends java.lang.Object {
public static final javax.xml.rpc.ParameterMode PARAM_MODE_IN;
public static final javax.xml.rpc.ParameterMode PARAM_MODE_OUT;
public static final javax.xml.rpc.ParameterMode PARAM_MODE_INOUT;
public java.lang.String toString();
static {};
The constants should be called IN, OUT, and INOUT respectively.
2) When creating Java from WSDL, xrpcc uses the port name rather than
portType name to generate the name of the interface.
3) I've been trying to compile the stockquoteservice sample from the WSDL
spec (
http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl) without success. (This is after fixing
the bug in the sample)
i) xrpcc is unable to process the following WSDL:
(See attached file: stockquoteservice.wsdl)
ii) Splitting the file into two parts, xrpcc is unable to import
another file containing just the XML type declaration:
(See attached file: stockquoteservice.wsdl)(See attached file:
stockquote.wsdl)(See attached file: stockquote.xsd)
4) There doesn't seem to be a way to specify a different package name for
each namespace used in the WSDL file. Neither is there a way to map
different packages to a different namespace when starting from Java. This
makes it difficult to use types gathered from multiple namespaces, or Java
5) To support SingleThread model, is it possible to enhance JAXRPC RI to
provide another servlet that implements the SingleThreadModel interface?
The built-in com.sun.xml.rpc.server.http.JAXRPCServlet is not single
6) If I pass a .wsdl file without the <service> elements to xrpcc,
nothing is generated. I would like to be able to generate just the Java
types necessary for development, without having to worry about the service
interface. This capability would pave the way for me to migrate to the
JSR109 programming model.
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me with the above.
Michael Cheng
WebSphere Architecture/Development
internet: mcheng_at_us.ibm.com
Lotus Notes: Michael Cheng/Austin/IBM_at_IBMUS
1-512-823-7442, T/L: 793-7442