Re: Internal message handlers

From: Arun Gupta <arun.gupta_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2002 16:47:20 -0800

Hi Pratbiha,

What do you exactly mean by all messages ?

Messages are defined within a port and ports in turn are defined within
a service. By associating <handlerChains> within a service, you are
registering handlers for all your messages.


Pratibha Gupta wrote:

> You have described on the mailing list how to define handlers for a
> particular service. Suppose I wanted to write global handler
> chains i.e. handlers that would process all messages irrespective of the service they were intended for (in addition to the service's own
> handlers). I think the spec calls them "internal handlers". How and where do I define these handler chains?
> Thanks,
> Pratibha

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