The Java Web Services Developer Pack EA2 release and Java Web Services
Tutorial and the Java XML Pack Spring '02 release are now available
for download.
Notable additions to this version of the Java XML Pack include:
* JAX-RPC RI implements draft 0.7 of the specification.
* JAXP updated to the latest JAXP 1.2 draft and includes Xalan XSLTC,
a fast XSLT engine.
* JAXR now supports UDDI v2.
The Java Web Services Developer Pack has all these additions and also
* JSTL updated to the Public Draft of the specification, including
the Expression Language.
* UDDI test registry updated to UDDI v2
* DeployTool
* AdminTool
The Java Web Services Developer Pack and Java Web Services Tutorial
can be downloaded from:
The Java XML Pack can be downloaded from:
Appreciate your timely feedback.
The Pack Teams,
Sun Microsystems, Inc.