Re: X-SPF-None RE: Which IDE is best for JSF

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:30:24 -0500

On 8/22/07, Francisco José Fuentes <> wrote:
> Another issue is the server on which you deploy the application, just
> because if you want debug it (sure you want it), you must find the right ide
> which integrates best with your app-server (f. ex, a full blown of features
> using Sun App Server, not just only Tomcat, maybe only be get with the
> Sun-NetBeans tools and, of course, OC4j is a little nightmare when you reach
> the debug phase.

For the record, I use Eclipse, but I can't remember the last time I used app
server integration on any IDE. I use Ant to mange building and packaging in
general (which makes the projects work well under continuous integration),
so when it comes time to debug, I just hop over to a command prompt, issue
"ant deploy", then, in my IDE, I just attach to a remote Java process, set
my breakpoints and hit the web app. Works really well, and I don't have to
wait for my IDE vendor to "support" whatever app server I happen to be
using. For what all that's worth... :)

Jason Lee, SCJP
Software Architect -- Objectstream, Inc.
JSF RI Dev Team