Hello Folks,
I have imported the following JSF 1.x code lines to our git repo, from
Before committing, I verified I was able to build all of these save
JSF_1_1_ROLLING. It had some build dependencies on Tomcat 5.5, so I
didn't bother.
I did not preserve the history. If we need to do history
investigations, the CVS repository for JSF 1.2 is still available at
CVSROOT :ext:<USERNAME>@java.net/cvs/javaserverfaces-sources~cvs-repository
and Manfred has also saved it aside as a tarball.
P.S. I realize the irony here. At the Orlando JUG meeting last week I
promised I would clean up our branch story, and now I am making it
worse. Fact is, I need to enable collaboration on the JSF 1.2 code and
that means git.
| edward.burns_at_oracle.com | office: +1 407 458 0017