Thanks Ed, code committed.
On 1/22/15, 13:41, Edward Burns wrote:
> RZ> Please help to review the following changes(changebundle attached),
> RZ> once you approved I will do delivery to make the Hudson build clean:
> RZ> 1. Putting back your additional changes in NavigationHandlerImpl but
> RZ> with a little change of me, because
> RZ> com.sun.faces.test.javaee6web.flowinxmlandjava.Spec730IT failed at a
> RZ> StackOverFlowExcetion, the little change is in method
> RZ> findSwitchMatch() as following:
> RZ> /*boolean matched=false;*
> RZ> for (SwitchCase cur : cases) {
> RZ> if (cur.getCondition(context)) {
> RZ> outcome = cur.getFromOutcome();
> RZ> *matched=true;*
> RZ> break;
> RZ> }
> RZ> }
> RZ> // 2. the default outcome
> RZ> if (*!matched || *outcome == null) {
> RZ> outcome = switchNode.getDefaultOutcome(context);
> RZ> }/
> That looks ok.
> RZ> 2. My another change is in
> RZ> test/javaee6web/flowSwitchCall/src/main/java/com/sun/faces/test/javaee6web/flowswitchcall/
> RZ> because of the typos of the original test author.
> Yes, this indeed looks like the right change.
> RZ> 3. My third change is that the following 2 test cases(of that 25
> RZ> navigation cases) are commented out because of the failure, I will
> RZ> uncomment them once the issue are fixed.
> RZ> com.sun.faces.test.javaee6web.flowtraversalcombinations.ReturnNaviToOtherNodesIT#testReturnNaviToFlowCallNode
> RZ> and
> RZ> com.sun.faces.test.javaee6web.flowtraversalcombinations.SwitchNaviToOtherNodesIT#testSwitchNaviToReturn
> RZ> There will be no failed tests related to my change after above
> RZ> change committed cause 2 failed tests are removed.
> Ok, please don't forget to uncomment them. Personally I'd rather you
> mark them as @Ignore, but our policy is to only use that only to unblock
> the build while a change is worked on immediately.
> Ed