Re: Please welcome Derek Berube to the Dev list.

From: Derek Berube <>
Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 00:39:22 -0400

Good evening,

Many thanks to Ed and Manfred for the warm welcome to the list.

It is my humble intent to immerse myself in the JavaServer Faces specification and the reference implementation with a near term goal of identifying work-arounds for incompatibilities introduced by the constraints that exist in Google's App Engine's runtime environment.

My longer term goal is to become an enthusiastically active member of the community sharing knowledge and experience.



> On Oct 15, 2014, at 12:21 PM, Edward Burns <> wrote:
> Hello Mojarra Devs,
> I just received word that Derek Berube's Oracle Contributor Agreement
> has been approved, meaning that we could possibly have a new committer
> for Mojarra.
> Derek, you've obviously already read "How can I contribute?" [1].
> Because your OCA is already in order, you can start submitting patches
> right away. You've probably also read "How do I become a committer?"
> [2]. Just in case you haven't it makes sense for me to state it here:
> FAQ> How can I contribute? and start contributing enough
> FAQ> [#HowToBundle][solid patches]] that get accepted into the codebase
> FAQ> so that we can get a feel for the quality of your
> FAQ> code. Contributors who give frequent and valuable contributions
> FAQ> will be nominated for "developer" role if they desire. We would
> FAQ> appreciate if commiters could abide by the code review and test
> FAQ> driven development process we use.
> Basically, our rules are the same as for any open source project. Build
> trust and you can get commit access.
> Please let us know what you plan to do now that your OCA has been
> approved.
> Welcome!
> Ed Burns
> --
> | | office: +1 407 458 0017
> | 17 work days til Devoxx 2014
> [1]
> [2]