Re: Seeking Review: JAVASERVERFACES-3404-fileUpload

From: Edward Burns <>
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 09:13:42 -0700

>>>>> On Mon, 15 Sep 2014 15:03:21 -0500, Leonardo Uribe <> said:

LU> Hi
LU> This looks related to the 2.2 spec. It doesn't look good to call
LU> setTransient(true) over a component in a renderer, unless the component is
LU> created programmatically by the renderer itself (which is valid). I
LU> remember some issues with h:inputFile on MyFaces 2.2.x, because the "value"
LU> has transient behavior (file is only valid in the request that upload it),
LU> but that doesn't mean the component has "transient" behavior.

Yes, I reached the same conclusion. I plan to fix the impl to treat the
value, not the component, as transient.


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