I discovered some other slightly odd behavior with encoding. JSF2.2 /
GF4 has some problems with German umlauts, whilst the same app works
perfectly using JSF 2.1 or 2.1 / GF 3. Seems to be a similar encoding
problem: Using UTF-8 the server seems to get back system enconding. I'm
going to check further on.
Herzliche Grüße - Best Regards,
Michael Müller
On 30.08.2013 16:09, Edward Burns wrote:
> Hello Team,
> Stalwart community supporter BalusC applauded our fix for
> JAVASERVERFACES-2440-RedirectParamEncoding, but lamented its
> incompleteness.
> The fix is unfortunately not implemented in encodeBookmarkableURL()
> and encodePartialActionURL(). Also, the fix does not seem to be
> backported to 2.1.x. Is there any specific reason for this? I
> understood/assumed because of a JSF spec change, but after all I'm not
> seeing that anywhere.
> I have filed issue JAVASERVERFACES-3015 to account for this.
> Personally, this seems like a safe and desirable change but I wanted to
> bring it to the group's attention before doing the work.
> Any objections to doing what BalusC requests?
> Ed