RE: Common commands

From: Anthony Mayfield <>
Date: Wed, 2 May 2012 15:08:41 +0100

Thanks Manfred,


I was using the ant commands as shown the website (ant clean main
test.with.container.refresh). Is using the maven the new way of doing


Also I'm currently create a build using ant dist, but this gives me four
files glassfish-jsf-2.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar, glassfish-jsf-2.2.0-SNAPSHOT,, I'm
trying to get the binary and source files to put into a maven directory so
that I can use them in my projects. Using any combination of these files
appears to give issues, either in the code or in attaching the sources.
Also I'm running in Tomcat 7 which may be an issue, I set the file to Glassfish though as the ant test files wouldn't run
otherwise as they failed when testing the @Resource annotation. I'm not
sure if using Tomcat 7 in my production is causing an issue perhaps.


All the best,




From: Manfred Riem []
Sent: 02 May 2012 14:39
Cc: Anthony Mayfield
Subject: Re: Common commands


Hi Anthony,

If you are writing tests to test JSF functionality and have the JSF sources
out, please see the test/README.txt for more information. If you need more
information, please let us know.

Kind regards,

On 5/2/2012 8:34 AM, Anthony Mayfield wrote:

Hi there,


I'm still trying to set up the JSF so that I can make patches and run my
project of the jars I create. I've made quite a bit of progress since
lasted posting but I was hoping to speak to someone on the phone to ask what
the common commands/standards are for getting builds and writing tests etc.
Would this be possible, I'm located in the UK but I'm available most hours
through Skype,


All the best,

