Re: Common commands

From: Manfred Riem <>
Date: Wed, 02 May 2012 09:13:06 -0500

Hi Anthony,

The Mojarra build itself is still produced using Ant. We only have
migrated the testing so far.
If you need Maven artifacts you can use 'ant clean main
mvn.deploy.snapshot.local' which will put the
Maven JARs (both binary and source) into your local repository.

Hope that helps,

On 5/2/2012 9:08 AM, Anthony Mayfield wrote:
> Thanks Manfred,
> I was using the ant commands as shown the website (ant clean main
> test.with.container.refresh). Is using the maven the new way of doing
> tests?
> Also I'm currently create a build using ant dist, but this gives me
> four files glassfish-jsf-2.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar,
> glassfish-jsf-2.2.0-SNAPSHOT,,
> I'm trying to get the binary and
> source files to put into a maven directory so that I can use them in
> my projects. Using any combination of these files appears to give
> issues, either in the code or in attaching the sources. Also I'm
> running in Tomcat 7 which may be an issue, I set the
> file to Glassfish though as the ant test files wouldn't run otherwise
> as they failed when testing the @Resource annotation. I'm not sure if
> using Tomcat 7 in my production is causing an issue perhaps.
> All the best,
> Anthony.
> *From:*Manfred Riem []
> *Sent:* 02 May 2012 14:39
> *To:*
> *Cc:* Anthony Mayfield
> *Subject:* Re: Common commands
> Hi Anthony,
> If you are writing tests to test JSF functionality and have the JSF
> sources checked
> out, please see the test/README.txt for more information. If you need more
> information, please let us know.
> Kind regards,
> Manfred
> On 5/2/2012 8:34 AM, Anthony Mayfield wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm still trying to set up the JSF so that I can make patches and run
> my project of the jars I create. I've made quite a bit of progress
> since lasted posting but I was hoping to speak to someone on the phone
> to ask what the common commands/standards are for getting builds and
> writing tests etc. Would this be possible, I'm located in the UK but
> I'm available most hours through Skype,
> All the best,
> Anthony.