>>>>> On Tue, 19 Apr 2011 20:25:53 -0600, "Manfred Riem" <mriem_at_manorrock.org> said:
MR> Me again. I am working on mavenizing the build again I have
MR> a question. Can we use the same version number for each
MR> of the subprojects within the source tree. This would really
MR> make it a lot easier use the parent POM functionality.
MR> I currently have a local build that is capable of building jsf-tools
MR> and all the demos (sandbox and non-sandbox) in about 23 seconds.
MR> I have put a master POM in the main trunk directory and NetBeans
MR> still see the ANT based build, so putting it there won't break the
MR> current build, but I don't know for IntelliJ users.
MR> Should I attach the respective POMs to the mavenizing issue?
Yes, please.
Also, I'd much rather you do svn add to your local workspace, without
committing of course, and attach a diff that I can apply locally to
Can you share a sketch of what you want to do here? Will it be 1:1
build.xml -> pom.xml transition?
We have a mandate to change the jar naming and such for what we publish
to the maven repo, so any work done to mavenize the build will be
impacted by this.
| edward.burns_at_oracle.com | office: +1 407 458 0017
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