Hi Ed,
Thanks for the review. I already have the page.asText() check after the button.click() is called. Will incorporate the page.asXml() to see if it contains the string javax.faces.ViewState.
Will repost for a review.
On Jul 7, 2010, at 11:30 AM, Edward Burns wrote:
> On 7/6/10 16:43 , Sheetal Vartak wrote:
>> Hi Ed/Roger,
>> I am sending my devtest for a review before I check it in.
> Hello Sheetal,
> Looks pretty good, but needs a little bit more to actually catch feature regressions.
> Your no-web-xml/src/java/com/sun/faces/systest/NoWebXMLTestCase.java needs a little more depth. For each of the three pages, I want you to find the button, click it, and then on the resultant page, verify page.asText() contains the correct message, and page.asXml() contains the string javax.faces.ViewState.
> Please make thses changes and repost the request for review.
> Also, you need only send it to dev_at_javaserverfaces.
> Thanks,
> Ed
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