Re: composite component issue

From: Doug Donahue <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2010 08:40:29 -0400

Not sure if this made it through yesterday or not, resending just incase.

Without seeing the warfile my best guess on what you have here is a
packaging problem. There is two way s to package JSF 2.0 Resources.

      Packaging Resources into the Web Application Root

     Packaging Resources into the Classpath
     JAR entry name:

     let me know if this solved your issue.
     Doug Donahue

On 6/22/10 11:36 AM, Saulius Adamonis wrote:
> Hi everybody!
> I've been trying to develop an own composite-component in my JSF2.0
> project but there are some mysterious problems I just can't figure out.
> I did everything exactly as described in all the tutorials and books
> about JSF, so I
> 1. created a namespace
> xmlns:ts=""
> 2. created the file loginPanel.xhtml (with the composite:interface and
> composite:implementation stuff) in /web/resources/tscomp
> 3. put the tag <ts:loginPanel /> where I wanted the component to be
> displayed
> My IDE (Netbeans 6.8) recognizes the component and autocompletes it
> while typing, so I guess there should be nothing wrong so far. But
> when I deploy the project, nothing is being displayed at that place.
> In the HTML-sourcecode you can still find the untouched
> <ts:loginPanel></ts:loginPanel>-tag instead though.
> the implementation of the component is just a pure text:
> ...
> <composite:interface>
> </composite:interface>
> <composite:implementation>
> some text here.
> </composite:implementation>
> ...
> Does anybody maybe have an idea what I'm doing wrong?
> Thanks in advance and excuse me for my rather poor English!
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