Hey Jim -
Thanks for the quick review! Follow up question below...
On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 4:46 PM, Jim Driscoll <Jim.Driscoll_at_sun.com> wrote:
> to test:
> ant clean main test.with.container.refresh
> Of course, making sure that you're set up correctly...
> (You'll also want to run it before the change, to make sure that's true.
> Takes about 15-20 minutes to run full test suite.)
So I seem to have run the tests successfully (without my change), but
I am concerned that perhaps something is off here since they completed
in under three minutes. I have pasted the tail bit of my test run
Would you mind taking a quick look and let me know whether it looks
like my test run actually tested what it should have tested?
(I tried to pastebin the entire output, but that was apparently too
large for pastebin.mozilla.org. I could send this to you offline if
that would help.)
BTW, I am running on Mac (Java 1.6.0_07) and deploying to the GFV3
that ships with NB 6.8.