Re: Review for Mojarra issue 1505?

From: Jim Driscoll <Jim.Driscoll_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 13:46:13 -0800

Reviewed. Straightforward.


to test:

ant clean main test.with.container.refresh

Of course, making sure that you're set up correctly...
(You'll also want to run it before the change, to make sure that's true.
  Takes about 15-20 minutes to run full test suite.)


On 1/13/10 1:13 PM, Andy Schwartz wrote:
> Gang -
> Could anyone take a quick look at my proposed fix for this issue?
> Oh, and... I haven't run the Mojarra tests yet to verify that this
> doesn't break anything. It's been a while... could someone remind me
> how to do this?
> Andy
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 4:03 PM
> Subject: [Issue 1505] New - Exceptions hidden during executePageToBuildView()
> Issue #|1505
> Summary|Exceptions hidden during executePageToBuildView()
> Component|javaserverfaces
> Version|2.0.1
> Platform|All
> OS/Version|All
> URL|
> Status|NEW
> Status whiteboard|
> Keywords|
> Resolution|
> Issue type|DEFECT
> Priority|P3
> Subcomponent|JSP
> Assigned to|javaserverfowner
> Reported by|aschwart
> ------- Additional comments from Wed Jan 13
> 21:03:33 +0000 2010 -------
> Note: the problem described here is specific to JSP. Facelets should be fine.
> The test case is any JSP page that contains some non-valid content -
> eg. a typo in a tag name. In this
> case an exception is thrown and is properly handed off to the ExceptionHandler.
> ExceptionHandlerImpl.throwIt() handles this as follows:
> private void throwIt(FacesContext ctx, FacesException fe) {
> boolean isDevelopment = ctx.isProjectStage(ProjectStage.Development);
> if (isDevelopment&& !errorPagePresent) {
> RenderKitUtils.renderHtmlErrorPage(ctx, fe);
> } else {
> if (isDevelopment) {
> ctx.getExternalContext().getRequestMap().put("com.sun.faces.error.view",
> ctx.getViewRoot());
> }
> throw fe;
> }
> }
> When the development project stage is used, we expect to see a nice
> HTML error page as rendered by
> renderHtmlErrorPage(). But we don't. Instead we get a status code
> 500 response with no HTML
> payload.
> What's the deal?
> It turns out that when renderHtmlErrorPage() retrieves the Writer, it
> ends up getting an instance of
> com.sun.faces.application.WebPrintWriter that eats any written
> content. The WebPrintWriter is set up by
> com.sun.faces.application.ViewHandlerResponseWrapper, which is a
> response wrapper that is installed
> by JspViewHandlingStrategy.executePageToBuildView just before
> dispatching the request on to the JSP:
> // replace the response with our wrapper
> ViewHandlerResponseWrapper wrapped = getWrapper(extContext);
> extContext.setResponse(wrapped);
> // build the view by executing the page
> extContext.dispatch(requestURI);
> if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
> LOGGER.fine("After dispacthMessage to viewId " + requestURI);
> }
> // replace the original response
> extContext.setResponse(originalResponse);
> Note that the response wrapper is removed just after the dispatch.
> However, the clean up code is not
> in a finally block, so if an exception is thrown during the dispatch,
> the WebPrintWriter remains installed
> and as a result our HTML error page contents are written to /dev/null
> instead of to the actual response
> stream.
> The funny thing is that the problem is only really noticeable in the
> development project stage. In other
> project stages ExceptionHandlerImpl re-throws the exception, so, while
> we don't see the nice HTML
> error page, we at least see the exception message/stack.
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