With Ryan's permission, I just committed the changes to the jsf-api
tree that I made over the weekend. There shouldn't be any changes
required to build. IDEs may need updating, and I have some fixes to
verify WRT to the maven ant tasks in common/, but everything else
should be fine. Please reply here if you have any issues.
Probably let that rest a bit before we try another, just to make sure
we don't confuse the environment should issues be found.
On Aug 28, 2009, at 1:43 PM, Adnan Durrani wrote:
>> On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 8:41 PM, Jason Lee <jason_at_steeplesoft.com>
>> wrote:
>> Ryan and I have been discussing migrating the Mojarra 2 build
>> system to Maven for some time now, and we'd like to get that ball
>> rolling. What we'd like to do is continue using the ant build
>> while we get the Maven build ready, then, when we're comfortable
>> with it, just start issuing different commands to build. To allow
>> for this "parallel" migration, we'd like to reorganize the tree
>> into the Maven standard format, and updating the ant build to
>> reflect that. This will allow us to write simpler POMs as we test
>> Maven-based versions of our various build tasks.
>> If there are no complaints, I will likely begin sometime this
>> evening (with Ryan's blessing) modifying the jsf-api sub-tree. In
>> theory, this should be fairly transparent, with the possible
>> exception of IDE project files (which we won't need once we're on
>> Maven. :)
>> Are there any complaints or concerns? I hope all that made sense.
>> If not, you know where to find me. :)
>> Jason Lee, SCJP
>> President, Oklahoma City Java Users Group
>> Senior Java Developer, Sun Microsystems
>> http://blogs.steeplesoft.com
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Jason Lee, SCJP
President, Oklahoma City Java Users Group
Senior Java Developer, Sun Microsystems