Re: HEADS UP: Source Tree Reorg

From: Adnan Durrani <>
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 2009 12:43:05 -0600

Kito Mann wrote:

Why Maven? What about just using Ivy and Ant, or maybe even Gradle?

I like the dependency management part of Maven, but the rest of it...
Kito D. Mann -- Author, JavaServer Faces in Action
JSF 2 Seminar Oct 6tth:
JSF Summit Conference Dec 1st-4th in Orlando: - JavaServer Faces FAQ, news, and info
+1 203-404-4848 x3

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 8:41 PM, Jason Lee <> wrote:
Ryan and I have been discussing migrating the Mojarra 2 build system to Maven for some time now, and we'd like to get that ball rolling.  What we'd like to do is continue using the ant build while we get the Maven build ready, then, when we're comfortable with it, just start issuing different commands to build.  To allow for this "parallel" migration, we'd like to reorganize the tree into the Maven standard format, and updating the ant build to reflect that.  This will allow us to write simpler POMs as we test Maven-based versions of our various build tasks.

If there are no complaints, I will likely begin sometime this evening (with Ryan's blessing) modifying the jsf-api sub-tree.  In theory, this should be fairly transparent, with the possible exception of IDE project files (which we won't need once we're on Maven. :)

Are there any complaints or concerns?  I hope all that made sense.  If not, you know where to find me. :)

Jason Lee, SCJP
President, Oklahoma City Java Users Group
Senior Java Developer, Sun Microsystems

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