Re: [Mojarra trunk] Flash and invoke application phase

From: Martin Kočí <>
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 10:48:32 +0200

Ed Burns píše v Út 21. 04. 2009 v 19:03 +0200:
> On 4/7/09 5:44 AM, Martin Kočí wrote:
> MK> I'm trying Flash scope for passing objects to the next faces view,
> MK> but there is a curious problem:
> MK> -- Java docs say that new flash map is started in render response
> MK> phase and propagated over next lifecycle without render response;
> MK> implmentation has that behaviour
> Martin, when the next Editor's Draft of the spec comes out (I'll
> announce it here), can you please to take some time to review the
> specfication language for the Flash feature and give us feedback? Is it
> clear enough? Does it explain how to implement it? Does it explain how
> to use it?

No problem, I'll do it.


> Ed
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