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Michael Kurz wrote:
> Hi,
> I got your point (and that is exactly what I wanted to try), but I'm
> not sure how this can be accomplished. Let's assume this three
> resources in the jar supplied library 'images':
> /META-INF/resources/images/img1.png
> /META-INF/resources/images/img2.png
> /META-INF/resources/images/img3.png
> When I want to overwrite one of those images I have to create a
> resource like this:
> /resources/images/img2.png/2_0.png
> But with this and the current implementation I have also created a new
> library and the jar supplied library won't be used any longer. At
> least when I include the images using a library:
Are you trying to use the web root style of packaging resources? If so
move the directory structure up one level, and out of META-INF.
> <h:graphicImage name="img1.png" library="images"/> (not working)
> <h:graphicImage name="test/test1.png"/> (working)
> Or did I get something wrong?
> Michael
>> Good Morning,
>> At first I thought the same thing, but it would seem to me that
>> if you were suppling a newer version of a "library" that you would
>> include all the files for that given library, including files that
>> had not changed form the previous version. If you were changing
>> version of specific Resource on a one by one basis would you not want
>> to use the Resource Version instead?
>> Doug
>> Michael Kurz wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm currently playing around with resources and libraries in Mojarra
>>> trunk and found someting that seams weird to me. I tried to create a
>>> library in META-INF/resources with a css and an image. Worked fine.
>>> Then I tried to "overwrite" the image in /resources in a new version
>>> of the library. Works too, BUT the css, which I did not overwrite, is
>>> no longer found.
>>> It seems that ResourceManager.doLookup() first gets the library with
>>> the
>>> highest version number in /resources and if one exists uses this for
>>> all resources in this library. This means that it would be necessary to
>>> overwrite the complete library if I want to change one resource out
>>> of it.
>>> According to the algorithm for createResource() in section of
>>> the spec (PFD) I would say it should be possible to overwrite single
>>> files in /resources from a library in the classpath. But I might
>>> misinterpret it.
>>> I would be interested in what you think about that issue!
>>> rgards
>>> Michael Kurz
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