Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 5:48 PM, Ryan Lubke <> wrote:
>> Matthias Wessendorf wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> IMO getContentLength() is missing on the JSF API (ExtCtx).
>>> Is there a chance to get it into 1.2.x or will this only be addressed for
>>> 2.x ?
>>> (Yes, I will file a bug, but want to know the "target" before)
>>> -M
>> Most likely 2.0.
> ok,will file an enhancement request for 2.0
> Does that mean on the other hand that on work will go into JSF 1.2 for
> maintaining as well?
> Or is just the spec "closed" ?
The third maintenance release for 1.2 is in progress, but it's
clarifications only, not new features/APIs. We tried adding new
features for the first MR, but we couldn't due to TCK issues.
> Thanks,
> Matthias
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