From: Mike Kienenberger <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 10:56:57 -0400
You can either use the validateCompareTo component as found in the
Tomahawk sandbox release, which has now migrated to Tomahawk proper,
and is in the process of migrating to the Myfaces-commons-validators
You can use the code there to create your own -- either copy the
entire validator or just the parts you want, such as how to read
information from other input components.
On 6/17/08, Ilya Ermolov <> wrote:
> Hello! I have problem using validators in Woodstock components.
> I have 2 drop down lists (webuijsf:dropDown) and thier content must be
> different.
> How to solve this problem?
> I implemented Validator interface, but validate method can't read
> information from other drop down.
> --
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