Re: CVS HEAD -> SVN migration completed...mostly

From: Ryan Lubke <Ryan.Lubke_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 04 Apr 2008 11:05:51 -0700

Jim Driscoll wrote:
> Ryan Lubke wrote:
>> An updated version of content for ~/.subversion/config (thanks Doug
>> for pointing out the
>> mime type stuff). I think this covers it for our repository. If
>> this looks ok, I'll be adding this
> And change the link on the homepage to point to
> Is it time to do that now?
It would be nice to be able to do that. There's a few other house
keeping items that we'd
need to look into like:
  - migrating users to the new mailing lists
  - forward mails from the old list to the new list

That's just off the cuff, I'm sure there are other logistical issues.

> BTW - I downloaded it and built it on my machine this morning without
> incident.
> Jim
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