Hi Gurkan,
Yes, I think these are useful (as well as command/action, and many
others). However, these are instances of the "categories" of events
Kito is trying to name. These are not categories in themselves. I'll
make sure the events you've described below are considered when we
discuss the specific events which should exist in 2.0.
Gurkan Erdogdu wrote:
> I did not able to send this email to JSR-314 EG because not member of
> it. But I think maybe useful to add two other listener
> and event to the Kito D. listener list; these are
> - ConverterInvokedEvent/ConverterInvokedListener
> public ConverterInvokedListener extends EventListener{
> public void
> beforeConverterInvoked(ConverterInvokedEvent event) ;
> public void
> afterConverterInvoked(ConverterInvokedEvent event);
> }
> public ConverterInvokedEvent extends EventObject{
> public FacesContext getContext();
> public String getEventType(); //Before or After
> public boolean isExceptionThrown(); //If converter
> exception throws
> public ConverterException getException();
> public UIComponent getComponent();
> }
> - ValidatorInvokedEvent/ValidatorInvokedListener
> public ValidatorInvokedListener extends EventListener{
> public void
> beforeValidatorInvoked(ValidatorInvokedEvent event) ;
> public void
> afterValidatorInvoked(ValidatorInvokedEvent event);
> }
> public ConverterInvokedEvent extends EventObject{
> public FacesContext getContext();
> public String getEventType(); //Before or After
> public boolean isExceptionThrown(); //If converter
> exception throws
> public ValidatorException getException();
> public UIComponent getComponent();
> }
> What do you think about?
> Thanks;
> Gurkan Erdogdu
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