[240-Megalisteners] Naming

From: Gurkan Erdogdu <>
Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2008 00:02:46 -0700 (PDT)

I did not able to send this email to JSR-314 EG because not member of it. But I think maybe useful to add two other listener
and event to the Kito D. listener list; these are

 - ConverterInvokedEvent/ConverterInvokedListener
        public ConverterInvokedListener extends EventListener{
                public void beforeConverterInvoked(ConverterInvokedEvent event) ;
                public void afterConverterInvoked(ConverterInvokedEvent event);

        public ConverterInvokedEvent extends EventObject{
                public FacesContext getContext();
                public String getEventType(); //Before or After
                public boolean isExceptionThrown(); //If converter exception throws
                public ConverterException getException();
                public UIComponent getComponent();

 - ValidatorInvokedEvent/ValidatorInvokedListener

        public ValidatorInvokedListener extends EventListener{
                public void beforeValidatorInvoked(ValidatorInvokedEvent event) ;
                public void afterValidatorInvoked(ValidatorInvokedEvent event);
        public ConverterInvokedEvent extends EventObject{
                public FacesContext getContext();
                public String getEventType(); //Before or After
                public boolean isExceptionThrown(); //If converter exception throws
                public ValidatorException getException();
                public UIComponent getComponent();

What do you think about?


Gurkan Erdogdu

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