Adam Winer wrote:
> Ryan Lubke said the following on 9/21/07 12:03 AM PT:
>> Adam Winer wrote:
>>> I'm frankly amazed at the claim this worked in 1.1.
>>> The EL in 1.1 was bound to ExternalContext.getRequestParameterMap(),
>>> which is always the ServletRequest parameter map, *not* the
>>> current JSP parameter map - or was there magic in 1.1 that I didn't
>>> know about?
>> Not following you here Adam. What JSP parameteter map?
>> When a JSP include is performed and it specifies parameters, those
>> params will be present for the life of the include via the
>> ServletRequest.
> Hrm - I always guessed that it was a different ServletRequest
> instance that gets created for the include to add the needed
> parameters, instead of the servlet engine hacking into
> its own object to add and then later remove the parameters.
> (It's how I'd implement a servlet engine, at any rate.)
> Does the servlet spec really require it's the same instance
> across includes?
Ah, ok. By default, the container *does* wrap the request (I added
println() calls in each JSP to confirm.
I made the assumption that the request had to be the same in order for
this to have ever worked in 1.1. So how did it work then? Running the
same set of modified JSPs in 1.1 show:
05 -> com.sun.faces.context.MyHttpServletRequestWrapper_at_1ae90c
inc1 -> com.sun.faces.context.MyHttpServletRequestWrapper_at_1ae90c
inc2 -> com.sun.faces.context.MyHttpServletRequestWrapper_at_1ae90c
inc3 -> com.sun.faces.context.MyHttpServletRequestWrapper_at_1ae90c
inc2 -> com.sun.faces.context.MyHttpServletRequestWrapper_at_1ae90c
inc3 -> com.sun.faces.context.MyHttpServletRequestWrapper_at_1ae90c
This was present in the ctor of ExternalContextImpl in 1.1:
if (RIConstants.IS_UNIT_TEST_MODE) {
this.request = request;
} else {
// PENDING(craigmcc) - Work around a Tomcat 4.1 and 5.0 bug
// where the request wrapper used on a
// RequestDispatcher.forward() call delegates
// removeAttribute() and setAttribute() to the wrapped
// request, but not getAttribute(). This causes attributes
// set via the RequestMap returned in this class to not be
// visible via calls to getAttribute() on the underlying
// request.
if (request instanceof HttpServletRequest) {
this.request = new MyHttpServletRequestWrapper
((HttpServletRequest) request);
} else {
this.request = new MyServletRequestWrapper(request);
So technically, this shouldn't have worked as you stated earlier.
>> Because of that, and how we build/rendered the tree in 1.1, it works.
> If and only if:
> - It's guaranteed to be the same ServletRequest instance
> - You didn't have a rendersChildren parent in the parent page
> around the include
> -- Adam
>>> -- Adam
>>> Ryan Lubke wrote:
>>>> Change bundle attached to the issue [1].
>>>> Please note I've added additional comments to the issue for
>>>> consideration
>>>> after having had attached the change bundle.
>>>> [1]
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