Adam Winer wrote:
> I'm frankly amazed at the claim this worked in 1.1.
> The EL in 1.1 was bound to ExternalContext.getRequestParameterMap(),
> which is always the ServletRequest parameter map, *not* the
> current JSP parameter map - or was there magic in 1.1 that I didn't
> know about?
Not following you here Adam. What JSP parameteter map?
When a JSP include is performed and it specifies parameters, those
params will be present for the life of the include via the ServletRequest.
Because of that, and how we build/rendered the tree in 1.1, it works.
> -- Adam
> Ryan Lubke wrote:
>> Change bundle attached to the issue [1].
>> Please note I've added additional comments to the issue for
>> consideration
>> after having had attached the change bundle.
>> [1]
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