Comments below.
Jason Lee wrote:
I'll lhave to look into facets
Not difficult to learn, but they can be very powerful for a component
(I'll admit that I'm not too
familiar with them), but, right now, I can't use them, which I'd like
to change. To get the basic tree working, the tag looks like this:
<risb:tree id="foo"
model="#{testBean.tree}" />
With TestBean.getTree() looking
like this:
public TreeNode getTree() {
TreeNode top = new TextNode ("Top Node!");
TreeNode category = null;
TreeNode book = null;
category = new TextNode("Books for Java Programmers");
category.add(new TextNode("The Java Tutorial: A Short Course on
the Basics"));
category.add(new TextNode("The Java Tutorial Continued: The
Rest of the JDK"));
category.add(new TextNode("The JFC Swing Tutorial: A Guide to
Constructing GUIs"));
category.add(new MenuNode("Menu Test", ""));
category = new
TextNode("Books for Java Implementers");
category.add(new TextNode("The Java Virtual Machine
category.add(new HtmlNode("The Java Language Specification",
"<b>Gilad Brach!</b>"));
return top;
That's an OK implementation, I
guess, but not as useful as I'd like. I thought about this some (and
I'm not kidding: every time I got up to change my new-born son's
diapers this kept running through my head. Sad. :), and I'd like to
see a more flexible solution. Maybe something like this:
<risb:tree id="testTree">
<h:outputText value="A giant
value="#{}" var="data">
<!-- snip! -->
<h:outputText value="Another node"/>
<h:outputText value="And
<h:outputText value="And yet
The difficulty here with allowing this particular markup is that it
becomes a challenging to do the layout of the children when you mix the
structure w/ the children themselves. It may work out, but it's more
challenging than using facets to define the areas.
Consider this instead:
<risb:tree id="testTree">
<f:facet name="content">
<h:outputText value="A giant
<f:facet name="content">
value="#{}" var="data">
<!-- snip! -->
<f:facet name="content">
<h:outputText value="Another node"/>
<f:facet name="content">
<h:outputText value="And another"/>
<f:facet name="content">
<h:outputText value="And yet another!"/>
The difference is subtle, but significant and more noticeable when your
tree component gets more complex. If you consider *where* in the HTML
the "content" vs. the children are rendered, you'll see the
difference. In most cases, the "content" of a TreeNode will be in the
middle of the HTML for the TreeNode, whereas the "children" (child
TreeNodes) will be at (or near) the end of the TreeNode. You "might"
be able to get them to render at the same place, but probably not. And
forcing yourself to do so may limit your design. As your tree
component gets more complex, you might provide facets for icons to
appear next to your tree. You can also provide properties which
replace the need for facets when the tree nodes are text. For example
<risb:treeNode text="Text Node">
<f:facet name="content">
<h:outputText value="Old of of doing a Text Node" />
You may add "url", "imageURL" or other properties for common tree
features. This eliminates the need to subclass your TreeNodes for
simple tree nodes, and eliminates the need to subclass whenever you can
simply provide a UIComponent via a facet to be the "content". You'll
only need to subclass to change layout or behavior.
I hope this gives you some ideas to explore.
Good luck!
Ken Paulsen
which would produce
- A giant table!
(table data)
- Another node
- And another
And yet another!
I think that would be a more practical use, but
I haven't had the time to think through it (clearly) yet, and, if I
implement something like, how would that look from the user's
perspective building the tree. I don't know. These are questions I
hope to get hammered out in the sandbox.
I think, though, that for all practical purpose,
the different JS classes (TextNode, HTMLNode, and MenuNode) can all be
rendered using only HTMLNode, as a TextNode's HTML content can simply
be text (or a styled <span>, etc) and a MenuNode could have a
<h:outputLink/> tag nested in the JSF markup.
All of that is something I'll be pondering today
and over the Christmas break.
Any input (ideas or code) will be greatly
appreciated. :)
Jason Lee, SCJP
Hi Jason,
Sounds reasonable. You may also consider leveraging JSF's "facet"
capability so that your tree renderer does not have to be so "smart"
when displaying the contents. In my case, I relied on this to define
any TreeNode that was more complicated than plain text or an href.
Another piece of advice (which may be obvious and you may be doing
already), when rendering the child tree nodes, don't cast or check for
instanceof on any of the child UIComponents... just render all of
them. Some components I've seen written cast to an specific instance
(i.e. TreeNode) and call their getters... this prevents things like
Ed's AjaxZone from being inserted in the UIComponent tree to re-render
portions of the tree dynamically.
Good luck!
Ken Paulsen
Jason Lee wrote:
Hmm. For now, it's using the
Swing class, but I think I may create some Java classes that mimic, in
terms of nomenclature, the classes supported by the JS component:
A TreeNode would be able to hold
0 or more TreeNode elements for nested levels. This hierarchy would
help me identify at render time what type of node in the JS i need to
create for the given TreeNode on the Java side.
Anyone see any problems with
Jason Lee, SCJP
Hi Jason,
I have had the privilege of writing a JSF tree component and faced the
same issue. There's more than one right approach (or is that more than
one wrong approach?). But I can share what I did.
On the component side, I composed the Tree of multiple UIComponents. I
defined 2 types of components:
From an implementation point-of-view, I ended up having Tree extend
TreeNode b/c the root node (represented by Tree) was just a specialized
TreeNode. You could then easily build a tree staticly in a JSP,
Facelets xhtml, or JSFTemplating .jsf file. However, this doesn't
(didn't) address the root of your question.
So... on the "data" side, here's what I did. I defined a factory class
for instantiating part of a Tree structure as described above (or the
entire structure if you want). The factory class required a
"TreeAdaptor" implementation. TreeAdaptor" was an interface that
exposed methods for walking a tree structure that that factory would
call. The interface also exposed methods for getting meta data needed
for the UIComponent (image urls, hyperlink, facets, etc.). The
TreeAdaptor implementations could be written to accept any type of data
structure (i.e. swing TreeNode). This allowed me to walk existing tree
structures and "adapt" them to the UIComponent tree structure required
to represent them in JSF.
You can see the code here:
And for impl. of the TreeAdaptor inteface:
I don't know if this type of approach is what you're looking for or
not... but I thought I'd share how I dealt with it.
Good luck!
Ken Paulsen
Jason Lee wrote:
I'm trying to write a JSF component wrapper for the YUI tree
component. My first thought on how to represent the tree's data to the
component, based on discussions I've overheard around the office is
TreeNode, with which I have no experience. I quickly discovered that
that interface's package is javax.swing.tree. My gut reaction is that
it seems a little odd to have a JSF component using a Swing interface
for its data model, but I see no better, existing interface/class with
which to model my tree's data. Another option is to design a custom
class for just this purpose. Anyone have any thoughts? For now, I'll
probably keep plodding along with TreeNode and see what happens in the
interim. :)
Jason Lee, SCJP
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