I spoke with Ed on this and his view is that if these components are to work
on any JSF implementation, then it should go into JSF Extensions. They
would go
into our RI Sandbox if they are specific to our implementation.
Jason Lee wrote:
>I'm with Ryan on this. In my mind, *any* JSF component, whether it's a
>UI component or not, should work on *any* JSF implementation, and that's
>how I've approached wrtiting these components. So far, though, I've
>only tested on GF and the RI for a couple of reasons: it's what I have,
>and, right now, I can only support JSP (i.e., not Facelets, though I
>have nascent support for it) due to a limitation in YUI with regard to
>For anyone who'd like to take a look at what I have so far, you can view
>the source here:
>(Any feedback with regard to coding style, the code itself, etc is
>certainly welcome. This is my most extensive venture into UI component
>writing :). If you'd like to see it running, you can try
>The app server isn't always running, so you may get an error. If you
>do, please try again later. That's a dev box at home, so availability
>is not always real good. I'm trying to find a better place to host the
>demos at the moment.
>Jason Lee, SCJP
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Ryan.Lubke_at_Sun.COM [mailto:Ryan.Lubke_at_Sun.COM]
>>Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2006 9:07 PM
>>To: dev_at_javaserverfaces.dev.java.net
>>Subject: Re: [Fwd: RI Sandbox]
>>Michael Youngstrom wrote:
>>>I think this would be a great idea. Do we think these components
>>>should be targeted as ri specific, implementation
>>independent, a mix,
>>>or a sandbox for each?
>>I would say implementation independent would be a good goal.
>>>On 10/24/06, Ryan Lubke <Ryan.Lubke_at_sun.com> wrote:
>>>>I forgot to add that the yui-based components would be donated by
>>>>Jason Lee.
>>>>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>From: Ryan Lubke <Ryan.Lubke_at_Sun.COM>
>>>>To: dev_at_javaserverfaces.dev.java.net
>>>>Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 14:50:28 -0700
>>>>Subject: RI Sandbox
>>>>Hey All,
>>>>I'd like to get a discussion going on starting a sandbox
>>for the RI.
>>>>Some initial thoughts I have are:
>>>> - it would be a directory under the current repository
>>>> - the standard checkin process would be ignored
>>>> to foster faster development cycles
>>>> - we'd provide a separate download bundle for the
>>>> components of the sandbox
>>>> - this would be open for components, alternate
>>>> implementation components, etc.
>>>>There are several candidates for this sandbox already.
>>>> - Stan's alternate NavigationHandler which supports
>>>> parameters
>>>> - 508 compliant datatable since we couldn't
>>>> get it in to the MR (there are several folks
>>>> interested in this one)
>>>> - Some starter yui-based components
>>>>Anyone have any thoughts to add to this?
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