>>>>> On Wed, 14 Jun 2006 19:05:03 +0900, Hongjoon Jeon <evencare_at_gmail.com> said:
HJ> Hi, I'm a newbie JSF Developer.
HJ> When I've been researching the source code of JSF Sun RI, it strikes a
HJ> question
HJ> to me about the performance enhancing issue in
HJ> com.sun.faces.application.ViewHandlerImpl source code.
Thanks for your input
HJ> can be replaced like below.
HJ> ================================================================================
HJ> if (content instanceof char []) {
HJ> response.getWriter().write((char []) content);
HJ> } else if (content instanceof byte []) {
HJ> response.getWriter().write(new String((byte[]) content));
HJ> } else {
HJ> assert(false);
HJ> }
HJ> ================================================================================
This seems like a valid change so I'll go ahead and put it in.
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