>>>>> On Mon, 12 Jun 2006 21:30:55 -0500, Stan Silvert <stan.silvert_at_jboss.com> said:
>> I view jsf-extensions as the sandbox project, but I'm open to
SS> discussion
>> on having a really light-weight sandbox project within the jsf-impl
SS> code
>> base.
>> Ryan and Stan, why do you not think jsf-extensions is a good place for
>> this?
SS> I didn't know that the jsf-extensions project even existed until a few
SS> hours ago. What does it currently consist of?
avatar - The Avatar AJAX concept
flash - an ELResolver that exposes a RubyOnRails style Flash feature
for JSF.
A generalization of Sun's JSF Impl test harness, built on top of
Cactus and HtmlUnit.
A place-holder for a generalization of the tag lib and tag handler
generation mechanism.
I recommend you add a "navigation" sub module to the run-time module.
| ed.burns_at_sun.com | {home: 407 869 9587, office: 408 884 9519 OR x31640}
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