RE: Re: Redirect Params

From: Ed Burns <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2006 13:40:39 -0700

>>>>> On Fri, 23 Jun 2006 12:56:15 -0500, Stan Silvert <> said:

>> >
>> > Is a true sandbox project a possibility?
>> >
>> Yes, I think it is. Do you have a proposal on how this sandbox should
>> be structured?

SS> Here is the general idea:

SS> * The JSF Sandbox Project is a platform for experimental new JSF
SS> features.

SS> * It provides a laboratory for features that go beyond the spec, but
SS> cannot be reasonably implemented under current JSF 1.2 extension
SS> mechanisms.

SS> * The code base comes from the CDDL licensed JSF 1.2 implementation at
SS> As much as possible, changes to the original project are
SS> migrated to the sandbox.

SS> * All code in the sandbox will use the CDDL license.

This is exactly what is.


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